We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience and will have it back up as soon as possible.
The decision to accept or reject a new title is made by our staff on a case-by-case basis and as a rule, we generally reject unfinished/unproduced projects unless they are in an advanced stage of production and/or are submitted together with a sufficiently large number of credits and release information.
For more information, please see the complete guidelines on our new title form.
Please read the above guide carefully and pay special attention to the eligibility criteria. Additionally, note that we require a minimum amount of information on a new title in order to verify its eligibility and existence.
More details and frequently asked questions about submitting a new title can be found in our new title FAQ.
If the title you want to add is still unreleased (i.e. in development or in production) please also read the additional information on titles in production.
IMDb retains the right to reject any work whose eligibility according to the rules is dubious or/and not verifiable. This may include works which are in their very first development stages. They may be rejected at that stage but accepted later on when they are actually finished and released.