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Submitting a completed Film / TV show

Completed Film or TV series titles can be added either by using the “Edit Page” button on your name page, or directly via the New Title Form.

Once the page loads, enter the name and year and select the “Film” or “Made for TV” option.

Note that in order to be accepted, the completed title should adhere to the following guidelines:

• Released in cinemas.
• Shown on TV or streamed on the web.
• Released on video or the web or prints have been made available to the public.
• Listed in the catalog of an established video retailer; (i.e.
• Accepted and shown at film festivals.
• Made by a (now) famous artist or person of public interest.
• Made famous for some reason and is widely talked about/referenced in media or the 'film community' or is now of general historic interest for some reason.

If your title adheres to these guidelines, use the New Title Form to get started.

You will receive an e-mail receipt for this submission and will be able to track your submission here.

If you would like to add a new episode to an existing series, first go to the series Title Page on IMDb, and then select the “Add Episode” button located towards the bottom of the series page.

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