We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience and will have it back up as soon as possible.
Most of the photos and videos on our site are licensed to us for our own use only. We do not have the authority to sublicense them to others. Photos and videos on our site may be licensed directly from the license holders. For photos or videos from studios and production companies you'll need to contact that company directly. Please see the company credits section of the relevant IMDb title pages for this information. Please note that many of our posters for older titles are actually just scans of their DVD/Bluray packaging. We cannot sublicense those images. Please contact the appropriate studio.
For images from agencies like WireImage, Getty Images and MPTV, their names are linked on pages where we display their content. You may click on their names for more information about the agencies and links to their web sites where you can get licensing information.