We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience and will have it back up as soon as possible.
As with most information on IMDb, Mini biographies are usually created and submitted by users just like you!
However, if a person doesn't have a specially written bio, we automatically generate one using any available information already listed on their pages, for example:
If the biography is automated, clicking on the 'Edit Page' option and selecting the 'Biography' category won't bring up any data to update.
Instead, if you submit a new manual biography to the page, once processed/approved, it'll replace the existing auto-generated entry on the page.
Your submission will be reviewed by an editor and if eligible approved onto the site, you can see our current processing times in our When will my update be added? article.
You can now track the status of your Biographical submission and if it has not been approved, we'll tell you the reason why.
There's more information about the feature listed in our Contribution History article.