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When the information in the connection section says that a title references another title, it simply means that dialogue or situations in the former reference or pay homage to the latter.
Some references are explicit, such as Tom Hanks quoting lines from The Godfather (1972) while romancing Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail (1998).
Others may be more subtle: for example, Swingers (1996) references Jaws (1975) in the scene where Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn are at a party and the familiar John Williams theme music from Spielberg's film is played in the background while they look around for girls.
And some are even more obscure: Terminator 2 (1991) references The Abyss (1989) because the name on the side of the liquid nitrogen-filled truck at the end of T2 is Benthic Petroleum, which is also the fictional oil company who owned the Deepcore underwater rig in the earlier film.