We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience and will have it back up as soon as possible.
IMDb contains millions of different titles. The aim of the database is to cover as many titles and genres as possible. As a result, some of these titles contain words or content that some of our users may find inappropriate.
To provide a level of control, some adult titles have been made searchable only by users who are registered on IMDb and have requested access to this material. Adult titles cannot be located during a casual search. Only registered IMDb users can choose to enable the option to include adult titles in searches and displays.
You can enable or disable adult titles in your IMDb account two different ways:
1. In an individual search session
After your search results populate, scroll to the bottom of this page to the “Advanced Search” section on the lower right hand side and select enable/disable adult matches
2. On the Advanced Title search
Scroll to the bottom where it says "Adult Titles", then select "Exclude" or "Include" and click "Search". This option makes it so that all searches will exclude or include adult titles.