We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. We appreciate your patience and will have it back up as soon as possible.
IMDb aims to be the most comprehensive and reliable source of information on movies, TV and celebrities. We are committed to accuracy and it is our longstanding policy not to alter or remove correct factual information from our records. If you notice an error or omission in our data, please submit a correction or deletion via the "Edit page" button located at the bottom of every name and title page and our staff will be happy to review it and make all applicable changes. We have a guide to adding data here.
However, IMDb will not remove accurate information. If you try to delete an item of data which is accurate, your delete will not be processed. Please be aware that attempts to delete accurate data will count against your overall accuracy rating and may result in all your submissions taking longer to process along with additional proof requirements.
Also please allow sufficient time for any deletes to be processed. See this page for more details about our data processing times.
IMDbPro members (IMDbPro Premium Subscription and IMDbPro Basic Subscription) with a claimed name page (see Claim Your Page) can choose whether to self-submit/verify their age/year of birth, birthname, alternate names, and other demographic information and decide whether or not this information is displayed on the IMDb and IMDbPro sites and apps.