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Why did you update my card?

IMDbPro takes precautionary measures to ensure your uploaded images, Featured Image selections, selected Known For titles, and additional information (including Performer Profile & Credentials) added via IMDbPro are not removed from your IMDb page in the event that your preferred payment method is declined.

IMDbPro participates in Account Updater, a service offered by some banks to help keep your cards up-to-date in our system. If your bank participates in Account Updater, this service will automatically update your card number or expiration date in our system when it changes. If you don't want to have your cards automatically updated, you can opt out of the service by contacting your issuing bank.

If we are unable to complete your order with the payment method associated with your subscription, you authorize us to update your subscription with another payment method you have on file.

If you've updated your card information in your Amazon Wallet and selected "Use this card across all Amazon", this will also update the preferred payment method for your IMDbPro membership.

To update the payment method for your IMDbPro membership, please see: How do I update my credit card?

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