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Manage your primary professions

Access to these features require an IMDbPro Premium Subscription. Learn more on the IMDbPro Subscription comparison page.

The "profession" or "role" summary at the top of a name page is generated automatically based on the filmography credits associated with that person or association with Company or Client relationship.

Professional summary

IMDbPro members can manage these professions which are reflected across IMDb and IMDbPro.

Below are some frequently asked questions surrounding the professional summary section on the page.

Why should I choose my primary profession(s)?
How do I edit the order of my profession(s)?
How do I add or remove a profession?
Can I set my profession on desktop and the mobile app?
How does the order / sequencing impact how I appear in IMDbPro Discover results?
When will my profession(s) updates be reflected / displayed on site?
Will my profession data be reflected on both IMDb and IMDbPro?
Can I select a new profession that I do not have a filmography credit for?
Can my rep update my profession information if they’ve enabled shared editing?
Do I have to claim my page to set my profession(s)?
What happens to my profession information if I cancel my IMDbPro membership?
Why can’t I see my updated primary professions in IMDb and IMDbPro navigation/predictive search

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