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Manage your page controls

Access to these features require either an IMDbPro Premium Subscription or an IMDbPro Basic Subscription. Learn more on the IMDbPro Subscription comparison page.

You can use the Page Controls feature on IMDbPro to choose and manage where to display the following details on your IMDb and IMDbPro page:

  • Gender / Gender identity
  • Pronouns
  • Sexual orientation
  • Race / Ethnicity
  • Nationality / Religious or Ethnic identity
  • Disability (only displayed on IMDbPro)
  • Birthyear (age)
  • Verified affiliations

  • You can also use the Page Controls feature on IMDbPro to choose and manage the display of the following details on your IMDbPro name page (this information will continue to display on your IMDb page:

    • Biography
    • Awards
    • Height
    • Also Known As

    With an IMDbPro Premium Subscription, you can manage the display of more details: Known For, Featured Images, and Primary Image. Changes to these will show on both your IMDb and IMDbPro pages.

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