IMDb Community Guidelines
Updated 28-November-2024
Welcome to the IMDb community! Your new profile is one of millions of fans, contributors, and professionals on IMDb. Our Community Guidelines are designed to maintain a fun, safe, and healthy environment for all. Please take note of and follow the below Community Guidelines. These are applicable to all content featured on IMDb profiles, including; bios, images, and lists.
- No profane, obscene, disparaging content or harassment. This includes content that promotes, incites or glorifies hatred or racial, sexual or religious intolerance, or promotes organizations with such views
- No personal identifying information (PII) of any kind (e.g. phone numbers, emails, physical addresses)
- No external URLs/links, including obfuscated links
- No promotional, advertisement, or spam (e.g. personal/professional websites, illegal streaming or deceptive content)
- No impersonation of any person or entity of any kind (e.g. including "IMDb" in usernames or profile images)
- No nude or sexually explicit images/content
- No non-English language in the "Your Profile" bio
- Respect everyone's privacy
- Be kind, courteous, and inclusive to all
IMDb reserves the right to remove any copyrighted images or content. For more information, please refer to the
IMDb Conditions of Use.