Contact data
This article explains what Contact Data is and how it can be updated on IMDb along with our
Asked Questions.
Getting started
The term Contact information refers to the different types of connection between
companies and
For a Company 
- Direct contact (email, fax, phone)
- Employees
- Branch data (address, contact info)
- (If agency) Represented clients
For a Person 
- Direct contact (email, fax, phone)
- Employer
- (If an agent) Any represented clients
- (If talent) Any representing agents
On the IMDbPro website, most contact information is located on the left hand side of a name or

However employees (for companies) and clients (for companies and agents) are listed under their
tabs on the page.
Contact information is only available on (and via the IMDbPro App), this means you
can only
view and
update this information with an IMDbPro membership.
Industry Insider? Join IMDbPro to update contact information

It's also important to remember that our aim is to only list the most relevant and up to date
this means
we don't list historic contact information
that's no longer applicable.
For deceased individuals our policy is to create a new company for that person's
(in the form of "Estate of John Doe") and allow it to have representation. For example, you may
to list the Legal Representative or Publicist of an estate.
How to
direct contact | representation | primary
agent (new!) | client
lists | employment | branch
There are a few different types of data covered by the term Contact
this means there are different things that can be updated - along with a couple of different
ways of
doing it.
These are broken down below.
Personal direct contact information
Direct Contact information relates to things such as:
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Fax numbers
If you're hoping to also add an official website - you can do this via the Links
Other Sites section of the contribution form.
Select below if this update is for your claimed page or another persons to continue.
Updating Representatives/Representation
This section is used for both:
- The person being represented
- The person doing the representation
This includes many different roles such as talent management, publicity
agent and legal rep.
- Note: IMDb considers Talent Representatives to be those with a direct, ongoing and contractually-defined representation relationship.
Select below if this update is for your claimed page or another persons to continue.
Setting point agent (new!)
IMDbPro members can now control which of their representatives are designated as their point
contacts on IMDbPro - this will be clearly visible on their name page for other users to see.
The point agent will be always displayed at the top of all reps from the company.
Things to keep in mind:
- Only “talent” reps can be chosen as point contacts - i.e. those
starting with “talent...” (e.g. talent agent, talent agent-voice
- The agent must be linked to a company in order to update your point agent.
- The company can have multiple point agents, but they must be different types of
agent. For example, it's not possible to set two "talent agent-voice"
representatives as point contacts for the same company, but you can set a "talent
agent-voice" and "talent
agent-theatrical" point agent for that company.
- Following on from above, adding a new point will override any previous selection for the
same company and talent type.
Setting point contact when adding a new agent:
When adding a new talent agent to your page, the option to Set as point
contact will be shown at the bottom of the form - simply tick this and submit
your request for review.

Updating an existing agents:
Using the pencil icon next to any contact information you can update talent agent
representation by selecting the company they're associated with, followed by the
button and Set as point
contact - you can also untick this option if you'd like to remove them as the
point agent.

Bulk updating clients
If you're looking to add or update a single agent or client, you should use the option above for
Updating Representatives/Representation - however, if there's a large number of
that need to be added (or
removed) to a
company page,
this section explains how.
Also please note that this type of change is only available via the IMDbPro website and not using
Step 1 There are two ways to kick off:
- Navigate to the company page and select
at the bottom
- Open the Clients tab and select

Step 2 On the update page, use the drop-down to choose
the action
you're hoping to take - either adding new clients, or removing/correcting
For example the number
of clients you'd like to add to the company in the one submission.
Afterwards click 

Step 3 - If updating clients Use the field next to
to either Correct, Delete or Keep the client.
Run through the list and select the ones you'd like to update.

Step 3 - If adding clients On the next screen,
the names of the clients you'd wish to add -
along with
the type of representation they will have and
the agent who will represent them (if the agent
is not
with the company yet, this drop-down also offers the opportunity to add a

Step 4 Click , if there are any problems the box
red and you will have to address these individually, you may simply be
required to
an acknowledgement box and can use this to include any explanatory comments
to help
editors review this for you
Step 5 Once you think everything has been resolved,
click and if everything comes back as
ready to .
Wait for the update to appear on IMDb For further
how long it will take for an update to be reviewed and appear on the website
- see
our update time article.
Updating employment details
This section is used to update information about who works at a particular company - this
those working in agencies along with any crew associated with a production or distribution
Also please note that this type of change is only available via the IMDbPro website and not using
Step 1 Navigate to the company page.
Step 2 Scroll to the bottom of the page and
Step 3 On the contribution page, scroll down to
the Contact Details section and you'll
see Employees - from here, use the drop-down to
choose what
you're trying to do (e.g. add, update or remove entries):

Step 4 At the bottom of the page, select 
Step 5 If removing or updating an existing employee, use
drop-down next to that persons name and choose the option followed
If you're looking to add a new employee, populate the desired information in

Step 6 When the information is in, select 
Step 7 If required, correct any errors or warnings that
pop up
and and select 
Step 8
When the page is all green - you're ready to go, just hit 
Wait for the update to appear on IMDb For further
information about
how long it will take for an update to be reviewed and appear on the website
- see our update time article.
Updating Company branch information
Some companies may have offices in different locations - this section allows you to add or update
different branches to accurately reflect it's real world setup of the company.
Also please note that this type of change is only available via the IMDbPro website and not using
if you have multiple branches and need to set a primary branch, please contact us and let us know which location to designate as primary.
Step 1 Navigate to the company page.
Step 2 Scroll to the bottom of the page and
Step 3 On the contribution page, scroll down to
the Contact Details section and you'll
see Branches - from here, use the drop-down to
choose what
you're trying to do (e.g. add, update or remove entries):

Step 4 At the bottom of the page, select 
Step 5 If removing or updating an existing branch, use
drop-down next to that existing branch and choose the option followed
If you're looking to add a new branch, populate the desired information in

Step 6 When the information is in, select 
Step 7 If required, correct any errors or warnings that
pop up
and and select 
Step 8
When the page is all green - you're ready to go, just hit 
Wait for the update to appear on IMDb For further
information about
how long it will take for an update to be reviewed and appear on the website
- see our update time article. |
Frequently asked questions
This section covers the most common questions we receive from customers just like you - hopefully the
answer to your
question is available below.
If not, you can reach out to a member of our support team via the contact form and a
member of staff should be able to help you out further.
My representative is right but their
contact details
are wrong?
The contact information pulled through for an agent is done so from their
IMDbPro page.
If the information is wrong on the agents page, this will be wrong on the
clients page
To fix this, you'll need to submit an update directly to the agents page
to fix their
information - once approved, it'll update on any clients pages too.
My agent is wrong - can you update
We're not able to make changes on your behalf - you can submit the
update using the
instructions from the How to
guide section of this
A member of the team will review and approve the update if eligible.
I no longer have IMDbPro, how do I
update incorrect
contact information?
If you no longer have an IMDbPro membership and there's incorrect
information listed on
the page - you'll need to speak to somebody with an active membership
and ask them to
submit the update on your behalf.
If you don't know anybody else with an IMDbPro membership, please get in
touch using
out contact
form and a member of our team can remove the incorrect
Please be aware that they'll not be able to put in new contact
information as this is a
feature of the IMDbPro membership.
How can I update my information if
the company and/or
agent isn't listed on IMDbPro?
There are two ways to update your information if this happens - the best
way is to try
and submit the information via the or buttons at the bottom of the
Choose the option from the drop-down based on what you're trying to
achieve followed
Once you've entered the company (or agent) information and hit you'll be prompted to create
the company or
agent like below:

This may take some time for an editor to review and approve the
The other option is only available if you're the page owner - in this
instance you can
update the information via your performer
What if I try to update information
and there is
nothing to edit
Scenario 1 The information you are hoping to edit is
contained in
someone's IMDbPro unverified data. Note that IMDbPro unverified data is
marked with
an orange asterisk (*) and can only be edited
by the owner of
the page.
Scenario 2 You may be trying to update a client via
representative's page. Since the primary relationship is between the
client and company,
you will not see the client on the rep's page when editing. Please start
at either the
company's IMDbPro page or the client's IMDbPro page and follow the
instructions above.
You should now be able to edit the information you seek.