How do I update my poster?
Page contents:
Title Poster Images
A "poster" image can be displayed in the top left of the title page - otherwise known as a "primary" poster. You are able to submit more than one poster to a title, but can only have 1 'primary' poster at a time. Your choice should strike a good balance between the following criteria:
- For Movies - The most iconic and widely-recognized poster, of the best image quality. English language posters are preferred if available, although we may exercise editorial discretion to override this in some special cases.
- For TV Series - The most iconic and widely-recognized poster, preferably from the original airing of the first season. The poster should be of the best image quality. English language posters are preferred if available, although we may exercise editorial discretion to override this in some special cases.
- For Episodes - Still frame of acceptable quality which best represents the episode's plot or key characters in that episode.
- For Music Videos - The most iconic and widely-recognized album cover art. The poster should be of the best image quality and of a square (1:1) aspect ratio. English language posters are preferred if available, although we may exercise editorial discretion to override this in some special cases.
- For Podcasts - The most iconic and widely-recognized cover art, preferably from the original airing of the first season. The poster should be of the best image quality and of a square (1:1) aspect ratio. English language posters are preferred if available, although we may exercise editorial discretion to override this in some special cases.
If you think a title should have a new 'primary' poster and it does not appear in the titles gallery - see how to correctly add a poster below. Alternatively, if it does exist - jump to modifying an existing primary poster.
Adding a new poster image
This section covers the addition of a new poster to the titles gallery - if there's an existing primary poster and you're hoping to replace it with your new image, then add the new poster image to the titles gallery (making sure to select the type poster) and once there, follow the modifying an existing poster steps below.
Only images uploaded with the aforementioned type "Poster" are eligible to become display posters - the type cannot be changed once the image is live.
1) Navigate to the title page.
2) Find the "+Add Image" button either:
- At the end of the titles gallery.
- Under the "Photos" section of the main page.
3) Click "Add Image" in the new pane that appears on the right hand side.
4) In the drop-down menu ‘Select a Type’, ensure you click "Poster" (any other type and this cannot be used as a primary and cannot be amended later).
5) Click Submit and this will be sent to an editor for review.
6) Remember to keep in mind our Processing Times.
Modifying an existing primary poster
Key points
- DO NOT ‘report’ the existing 'primary' poster – this image will automatically reorganize into the gallery as a non-primary poster.
- Only images uploaded with the aforementioned type "Poster" are eligible to become posters - the type cannot be changed once the image is live.
- If the existing display poster is incorrect – you must request a new poster to replace the current image first. Submitting a request to delete the existing 'primary' poster, before the new one is live will result in your contribution being discarded.
Video Instructions
Step by Step instructions:
1) Navigate to the title page gallery.
2) On the right hand side, refine by “Poster” image type.
3) At the bottom of the page click the
4) On the right hand side you'll see the option to set the image as a Primary Image:

(Important: If there is no option to suggest an image as a primary, it is the wrong image type and cannot be selected. You must re-upload the image as the type Poster)
5) Click Submit and this will be sent to an editor for review.
6) Remember to keep in mind our Processing Times.
For more information on our general guidelines, please see our Image Guidelines article.
Tracking your contribution
You can now track the status of your title poster submission and if it has not been approved, we'll tell you
the reason why.
If you are using the mobile apps, mobile website or desktop website you can access this feature via the "Track your contribution" button, which has been added to the submission email receipt.
Additionally, if you are using the desktop website, you can also use the "View Contribution Details"
button found in your contribution
history (beta) page.
Clicking this button will take you to IMDb Contributor,
our new contribution specific site where you will be shown the status of your request.