Help Center

I forgot my password. How do I login?

When you join IMDbPro, you'll be prompted to select a password. Unless you've changed the password since you joined, you can log into IMDbPro using your registered email and password.

The only case when you might not have been prompted to choose a password while joining, is if you were already registered with In this case, your existing account information (email address and password) was used by default. This lets you access both sites without the need for two separate accounts.

If you were not prompted to choose a password or don't remember the password for your membership, you can get a new one. To reset your password:

  1. Go to the Log in page.
  2. Select Log in with IMDb.
  3. Select Forgot Your Password.
  4. When prompted, enter the email address or mobile phone number associated with your account and select Continue.
      We'll send you an email or SMS (depending on the verification method you've chosen) containing a One Time Password (OTP), to authenticate your request.
  5. Enter the OTP you received and select Continue.
  6. Create a new password.

As soon as you've created a new password, it's active.

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