We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. Please contact us via e-mail using the IMDb Contact Us form. We appreciate your patience and will have the IMDb support community back up as soon as possible.
You may see a new “FAQ” section on select name and title pages, listing frequently asked questions about the person or title. Clicking on the FAQ heading, or one of the questions, will take you to a “FAQ” subpage, showing a full list of these FAQs.
Amazon Alexa automatically generates answers to these frequently asked questions from IMDb data. For example, Denzel Washington’s birth date is listed on his IMDb page. Alexa used this data to generate an answer to the question “How old is Denzel Washington?”, on his FAQ page. Likewise, The Matrix’s runtime is listed on its Technical specifications page. Alexa has used this fact to auto-generate an answer to the question “How long is The Matrix?”, on its FAQ page.
These Alexa-generated items cannot be edited directly by IMDb contributors. If you notice an issue with an Alexa-generated item, please submit a correction to the underlying source data. For example, if the answer to “How old is Denzel Washington?” was incorrect, then to fix it you would need to submit a correction to his birthdate (by clicking “Edit” next to it). Contact us if you experience any issues.