We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. Please contact us via e-mail using the IMDb Contact Us form. We appreciate your patience and will have the IMDb support community back up as soon as possible.
Closed captions and subtitles are available for IMDb Original series, including Supercuts, Fan Q&As, IMDbrief and exclusive on-the-ground or virtual event coverage.
Closed captions are ON when supported videos play on mute and will display in English. Captions using your language of preference will be available in 2023.
You can manage your closed caption settings by tapping or clicking the video and following the on-screen prompts or selecting the captions/subtitles icon in the lower-right of the video. The following settings are available:
Note: On iOS and Android apps, you can change subtitle display preference through your device accessibility settings.