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Advanced Search Redesign

The updated Advanced Search has three different view types available on each search page tailoring to both written and visual preferences; improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go; and improved international support, adding to the pages already available in 8 languages.

Who is the audience for the new pages?

Everyone, everywhere, all the time! IMDb is built for fans and contributors but we also recognize professionals may have different needs. If this is you, please check out IMDbPro!

What improvements have been made to Advance Search?

It has a modern, clean presentation of information; 3 different view types available on each search page tailoring to both written and visual preferences; improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go; and improved international support, adding to the pages already available in 8 languages. In addition, the new version has the following new features:

  • The page is responsive across multiple screen sizes, including mobile devices.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Search parameters can be edited directly on the page without needing to toggle backwards/forwards as you tune your search results.
  • If you bookmark/favorite your results, the parameters can still be edited to further tune saved queries.
  • The “Page topics” filter enables you to search by plot, quotes, soundtracks, trivia, etc. alongside all other filters to create a more refined search experience.
  • Switching between results views is instantaneous.
  • The “Country” and “Languages” filters include the option to restrict results to the primary country and language.
  • The “Cast or Crew” filter has been improved and includes headshots when available.
  • The “Movie” title type includes documentaries by default for a more inclusive result set (documentaries can still be excluded via the “Genre” filter).
  • Results pagination has been improved and now supports lengthy lists on the same page, removing the restriction to groups of 50/100/250.
  • The “Keywords” filter supports multiple keywords.
  • The “Release date” filter includes a proper calendar for improved date navigation and specification.

What can I do with the (i) (information) icon?

The “i” (information) icon within allows you to see additional information about that Title. Selecting the icon will display a dialog box containing:

  • A plot description.
  • The IMDb rating and an option to give your rating.
  • The director and top three cast members
  • Buttons to play a trailer, if available, as well as the ability to quickly add the Title to your watchlist.
  • Quick-links to all the watch options.

Do I need to update my bookmarks for cast/crew/search?

Yes, if your bookmark includes a param for "roles=" then you need to update it to "role=". The new modernized search will support both single and multi-selections with "role=".

Does the newly designed page work on all devices and browsers?

The newly designed page is mobile responsive to work on devices of all sizes and types (e.g. your laptop, tablet, and smartphone), and is compatible with most common operating systems and modern web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge.

  • However, Internet Explorer (IE) is no longer supported. For maximum compatibility and performance, make sure your browser is up-to-date. If you’re having issues displaying IMDb on your browser, please visit our Help page: Why is IMDb displaying differently on my browser?

When will other pages switch to the new technology and new design?

Currently, our main pages are already modernized on IMDb (e.g. Title, Name, Homepage, Charts, etc) with plans to eventually modernize the rest of the site. Our next focus is on List-Like pages.

Can I exclude documentaries and/or shorts?

Yes, documentaries can still be excluded via the "Genre" filter. The "Movie" title type automatically includes documentaries by default for a more inclusive result set, so to remove select "Genre" and then under "Exclude" select "Documentary" and/or "Shorts."

How do I search for Quotes, Plot, or with other terms?

Topic search allows you to identify titles or people based on terms associated with their pages, within different data types. To use topic search open “Page topics” in “Search filters” and add your refiners. More information is available in the Using the Advanced Search feature Help page.

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