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Russian names & titles

Russian names and titles in the database. This system is the classic British BGN or PCGN system adopted in 1947, with minor changes required for ASCII compatibility.

Russian Transliteration
Capital Small Capital Small
А а (vowel) A a
Б б B b
В в V v
Г г G g
Д д D d
Е е (vowel) E e
Ё ё (vowel) Yo yo
Ж ж Zh zh
З з Z z
И и (vowel) I i
Й й Y y
К к K k
Л л L l
М м M m
Н н N n
О о (vowel) O o
П п P p
Р р R r
С с S s
Т т T t
У у (vowel) U u
Ф ф F f
Х х Kh kh
Ц ц Ts ts
Ч ч Ch ch
Ш ш Sh sh
Щ щ Shch shch
Ъ ъ (hard sign) (none) (none)
Ы ы (vowel) Y y
Ь ь (soft sign) (none) (none)
Э э (vowel) E e
Ю ю (vowel) Yu yu
Я я (vowel) Ya ya

Notes: The "soft sign" and the "hard sign" are used in modern Russian only as separators and therefore should not be transliterated.

Names that are already in use in English should be used as they are presented in English dictionaries and not transliterated. Thus, Tchaikovsky instead of the precisely transliterated Chaykovskiy. This rule should be applied mainly to composers, writers, and politicians who are well known. Other names should be presented according to the rules. Thus, Ezhov and Shumyatskiy, not Yezhov and Shumiatsky. In case these names are taken from Western materials with a different transliteration, these names should be presented as an alternate name: "(as Yezhov)" or "(as Shumiatsky)".

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