We are currently performing maintenance on the IMDb support community forum to improve your experience. During this time, the forum will be temporarily unavailable. Please contact us via e-mail using the IMDb Contact Us form. We appreciate your patience and will have the IMDb support community back up as soon as possible.
You can upload images and tag names, movies, series, episodes, languages, and countries.
Below are the guidelines regarding image uploads. In all cases images may be removed by IMDb without advance notice, per our full terms and conditions, which are available at https://www.imdb.com/conditions. Should you notice any material that contravenes the following guidelines, you may use the 'Report Image' feature to let us know about it.
A user who owns or has the right to use an image may upload that image to IMDb. In general, an image uploaded should be good quality (refer to guidelines below) and should be associated with the title or person(s) to which it is tagged.
The following types of images may be uploaded by users:
The following are not permitted:
Images that violate the above guidelines are subject to removal under the IMDb Conditions of Use and, in the case of copyright or trademark violations, IMDb’s intellectual property policies. Violation of these guidelines will, in appropriate circumstances, lead to the user being removed from IMDb.
IMDb permits users to post the following:
We do not allow scans or copies with the following:
If a person's face is clearly seen in an image, you can tag that image with the person's IMDb 'name page'. However please note that if the image was initially uploaded via IMDbPro, then any additional name tags will not display on those additional name pages.
If a person’s face isn't clearly visible, they can still be tagged in the following cases:
Names may not be tagged in:
Names may be tagged to a poster image if they are visible on the poster or if the name appears in the billing block at the bottom of the poster image. If an individual is not featured on a poster in either of the mentioned ways, then their name should not be tagged to the image.
For more information on name primary images (headshots), please make sure to see our manage your images guide content.
IMDb does not delete accurate information and this includes tags to names or titles on images (even at the request of a person tagged). If you have an IMDbPro account you can choose and upload images that will appear in your gallery before any other image attached to your page.
If an image is a poster, still frame, publicity, or event photo for a certain movie, series or episode, you can tag the image to the corresponding IMDb 'title page'. Please do not tag series or season posters with individual episodes.
In general, images should be tagged only to the associated movie, series, or episode title. Exceptions may be applied on a case by case basis for official; multi-packs or collections, posters or promotions. Images that are not associated with a title are subject to removal.
For example:
In addition, any images that breach our image upload guidelines (above) may be removed.
The language(s) present in a poster and/or product image can be applied as a ‘tag’ when adding a new image to a title page. They can also be added or deleted from an existing image using the Edit Tags button when viewing the image.
The example below has both English and Italian text visible in the poster and so, both languages should be ‘tagged.’
You can ‘tag’ a poster and/or product image with any appropriate countries - meaning one poster can be suitable for multiple countries. They can be applied as a ‘tag’ when adding a new image to a title page, and can also be added or deleted from an existing image using the Edit Tags button.
Many studios create different versions of movie posters to be shown in a specific country or region. The following poster for Joker (2019) was created specifically for the release of the movie in Japan and should be only tagged with 'Japan' as the country.
Furthermore, many posters may be appropriate for more than one country - for example, the following poster for Yesterday (2019) has more than one country 'tagged.'
It's possible, though uncommon - that only one poster is made to promote a title in multiple countries.
For more information on how to add/update a titles 'primary' poster - please see our "How do I update my poster?" article.
You can now track the status of your Images submission and if it has not been approved, we'll tell you the reason why.
More information on how to do this can be found on our help article.